TajBot (Robocode bot)

Copyright Tristan Aubrey-Jones December 2005.


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package tajy; public class CycleSpotter { private long[] times; //last hit private int[] hits; //number of hits at this spot private double[] xCoords; //the x coord of this spot private double[] yCoords; //the y coord of this spot private long[] periods; //the the period since the last hit private int pointer; private final double threshold = 10; private boolean arrayFull = false; public CycleSpotter(int bufferSize) { pointer = 0; times = new long[bufferSize]; hits = new int[bufferSize]; xCoords = new double[bufferSize]; yCoords = new double[bufferSize]; periods = new long[bufferSize]; } private void incPointer() { pointer++; if (pointer >= times.length) { pointer = 0; arrayFull = true; } } public void add(long time, double x, double y) { // search through pervious for matching boolean added = false; for (int i = 0; i != pointer; i++) { // if is the same coord (minus variance) if (match(i, x, y)) { // update that coordinate periods[i] = time - times[i]; times[i] = time; hits[i]++; xCoords[i] = x; yCoords[i] = y; added = true; break; } } // if hasnt found existing if (!added) { // if none write new at current pointer periods[pointer] = 0; hits[pointer] = 1; times[pointer] = time; xCoords[pointer] = x; yCoords[pointer] = y; // increment pointer incPointer(); } } public void add(long time, Vector coord) { add(time, coord.getX(), coord.getY()); } private boolean match(int i, double x, double y) { // get other coords double x1 = xCoords[i]; double y1 = yCoords[i]; // return return (((x > x1 - threshold) && (x < x1 + threshold)) && ((y > y1 - threshold) && (y < y1 + threshold))); } public int getBestTarget(Vector pos) { int maxHits = 0; double minDist = 99999; int best = 0; for (int i = 0; i != pointer; i++) { int hit = hits[i]; if (hit > maxHits) { double x = xCoords[i]; double y = yCoords[i]; maxHits = hit; best = i; minDist = pos.distanceTo(new Vector(x, y)); } else if (hit == maxHits) { double x = xCoords[i]; double y = yCoords[i]; double dist = pos.distanceTo(new Vector(x, y)); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; best = i; } } } return best; } public long getNextTime(int i, long time) { long period = periods[i]; long start = times[i] + period; while (start < time) start += period; return start; } public int getVisits(int i) { return hits[i]; } public double getX(int i) { return xCoords[i]; } public double getY(int i) { return yCoords[i]; } public Vector getPosition(int i) { return new Vector(getX(i), getY(i)); } }