Image Contour Extraction

Copyright Tristan Aubrey-Jones November 2006.


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function [con, ptsmoved] = greedyice_movecontour(con, im, alpha, beta, gamma, delta); % GREEDYICE_MOVECONTOUR Moves contour points to new local optima %% constants nr = 2; %% radius of square enclosing neighbouring points %% init ptsmoved = 0; % total points moved n = length(con); % number of points in contour imsz = size(im); % size of image matrix mdist = meandist(con); % mean distance between points on contour mpoint = sum(con) ./ length(con); % center of the contour %% loop to move points to new locations vlast = con(n,:); %% initial vi-1 for i = 1:n+1 %% point 0 is the first and last if i > n, i = 1; end %% compute vectors needed in energy calc vi = con(i,:); if i == n, vnext = con(1,:); else vnext = con(i+1,:); end %% compute neighbours of vi neighbours = []; j = 1; for y = vi(1,2)-nr:vi(1,2)+nr for x = vi(1,1)-nr:vi(1,1)+nr %% check is inside image if x > 0 && y > 0 && x <= imsz(1) && y <= imsz(2) neighbours(j,1) = x; neighbours(j,2) = y; j = j + 1; end end end %% compute term values for energy functionals of neighbours econt = []; ecurv = []; eimage = []; ecent = []; econtmax = 0; ecurvmax = -inf; ecentmax = 0; ecentmin = inf; eimagemax = -inf; eimagemin = inf; for j = 1:length(neighbours) vj = neighbours(j,:); %% calc econt econt(j) = norm(mdist - norm(vj - vlast)); if econt(j) > econtmax, econtmax = econt(j); end %% calc ecurv ecurv(j) = norm(vlast - (2 * vj) + vnext) ^ 2; if ecurv(j) > ecurvmax, ecurvmax = ecurv(j); end %% calc eimage eimage(j) = im(vj(1), vj(2)); if eimage(j) > eimagemax, eimagemax = eimage(j); end if eimage(j) < eimagemin, eimagemin = eimage(j); end %% calc ecent ecent(j) = norm(mpoint - vj); if ecent(j) > ecentmax, ecentmax = ecent(j); end if ecent(j) < ecentmin, ecentmin = ecent(j); end end %% normalize energy terms econt = econt ./ econtmax; ecurv = ecurv ./ ecurvmax; o = ones(1, length(eimage)); eimage = eimage - (o * eimagemin); if eimagemax - eimagemin < 0.02, eimagemin = eimagemax - 0.02; end eimage = eimage ./ (eimagemax - eimagemin); eimage = o - eimage; ecent = ecent - (o * ecentmin); ecent = ecent ./ (ecentmax - ecentmin); %% compute energy functional of each point emin = inf; jmin = 1; for j = 1:length(neighbours) %% compute energy function at j ej = (alpha(i) * econt(j)) + (beta(i) * ecurv(j)) + (gamma(i) * eimage(j)) + (delta(i) * ecent(j)); %% check if energy at ej is less than at current min if ej < emin emin = ej; jmin = j; end end %% move point vi to location jmin vjmin = neighbours(jmin,:); con(i,:) = vjmin; if vi(1) ~= vjmin(1) || vi(2) ~= vjmin(2), ptsmoved = ptsmoved + 1; end; %% set previous point vlast = vi; end