Copyright Tristan Aubrey-Jones November 2006.
function times = icetimer(impath, nvalues)
%% load image
im = imread(impath);
imsz = size(im);
%% pre-process image
img = imedgefilter(im);
img = normimg(img);
img = imnoisefilter(img);
%% init
times = zeros(length(nvalues), 2);
times(:,1) = nvalues;
c = [imsz(1) / 2; imsz(2) / 2];
r = floor(min(imsz(1), imsz(2)) / 2) - 2;
%% for all values of n
for j = 1:length(nvalues)
% construct circular contour with n points
n = nvalues(j);
con = zeros(n,2);
for i = 1:n
theta = 2 * pi * i / n;
xy = c + r * [cos(theta); sin(theta)];
con(i,:) = round(xy');
% perform greedy ice using con
tot = 0.0;
for r = 1:3
t = cputime;
greedyice(con, img);
tot = tot + (cputime - t);
times(j,2) = tot / 3;
%% show result