Copyright Tristan Aubrey-Jones November 2006.
function con = greedyice(con, im, alpha, beta, gamma, delta)
% GREEDYICE Image contour extraction algorithm
% Usage: greedyice(con, im, alpha, beta, gamma);
% con - initial contour nx2 matrix of image coordinates
% im - 2D grayscale matrix of pixel values in the range [0,1]
% (should be inverted to converge to dark areas).
% alpha - (optional) weight for continuity term in energy functional.
% beta - (optional) weight for curvature term in energy functional.
% gamma - (optional) weight for image intensity term.
% delta - (optional) default weight for central attraction term.
%% set optional parameters to default values
if nargin < 6, delta = 0; end
if nargin < 5, gamma = 1.2; end
if nargin < 4, beta = 1.0; end
if nargin < 3, alpha = 1.0; end
if nargin < 2
help greedyice
error('wrong number of arguments')
%% constants
sz = size(im);
n = length(con);
threshold3 = 5; %% points moved threshold
%% init variables
iter = 0;
alpha = alpha * ones(n,1); % continuity coeffs
beta = beta * ones(n,1); % curvature coeffs
gamma = gamma * ones(n,1); % intensity coeffs
delta = delta * ones(n,1);
ptsmoved = threshold3; % num points moved in iteration
%% loop until few points moved
while ptsmoved >= threshold3
% prevent infinate loop
if iter > 500, break; end
% move contour to new local optima
[con, ptsmoved] = greedyice_movecontour(con, im, alpha, beta, gamma, delta);
% higher level process to allow corners in contour
beta = greedyice_choosebeta(con, im, beta);
% turn on or off central attraction term
%for i = 1:n
% vi = con(i,:);
% if im(vi(1), vi(2)) > 0.6
% delta(i) = 0.7;
% else
% delta(i) = 0;
% end
%% display so far
displaysnake(im, con);
iter = iter + 1;