3D Underwater World (using OpenGL and SDL)

Copyright Tristan Aubrey-Jones January 2008.

This is an example OpenGL SDL application which creates an animated 3D underwater world (screenshot), with "Thunderbird 4" with headlights moving on a spline path, a randomly generated sand terrain, sunken ship/submarine/treasure chest models, and swaying fish and seaweed. It is designed to demonstrate basic OpenGL features, and the structure is as follows:


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/* THIS FILE WILL BE OVERWRITTEN BY DEV-C++ */ /* DO NOT EDIT ! */ #ifndef CWK3_PRIVATE_H #define CWK3_PRIVATE_H /* VERSION DEFINITIONS */ #define VER_STRING "" #define VER_MAJOR 0 #define VER_MINOR 1 #define VER_RELEASE 1 #define VER_BUILD 1 #define COMPANY_NAME "" #define FILE_VERSION "" #define FILE_DESCRIPTION "Developed using the Dev-C++ IDE" #define INTERNAL_NAME "" #define LEGAL_COPYRIGHT "" #define LEGAL_TRADEMARKS "" #define ORIGINAL_FILENAME "" #define PRODUCT_NAME "" #define PRODUCT_VERSION "" #endif /*CWK3_PRIVATE_H*/