Bayesian Networks

Copyright Tristan Aubrey-Jones April 2007.


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function event = model1(); % NETWORK1 is the first bayesian network % shown in figure 1 of the coursework. %% A a = brand(0.2); %% B if (a == 1), b = brand(0.25); else b = brand(0.05); end %% C if (a == 1), c = brand(0.1); else c = brand(0.05); end %% D if (b == 1) if (c == 1), d = brand(0.75); else d = brand(0.1); end else if (c == 1), d = brand(0.5); else d = brand(0.05); end end %% E if (c == 1), e = brand(0.6); else e = brand(0.05); end %% assign to result event = [a b c d e];