Sorting Benchmark Actors: 612ms Threads: 693ms Sequential: 972ms 12:51 16/04/2008 On Roo with 6 Processors 100 repetitions, array size: 1000,000 with identical arrays MIN_PARTITION_SIZE 100,000 -- Sorting Benchmark Actors: 554ms Threads: 564ms Sequential: 547ms 13:00 16/04/2008 On Tristan-64 with 1 Processor 100 repetitions, array size: 1000,000 with identical arrays MIN_PARTITION_SIZE 100,000 --- Sorting Benchmark Actors: 658ms Threads: 691ms Sequential: 1019ms 12:51 16/04/2008 On Roo with 6 Processors 100 repetitions, array size: 1000,000 with identical arrays MIN_PARTITION_SIZE 100,000; Process priority high --- Sorting Benchmark Actors: 67ms Threads: 73ms Sequential: 77ms 12:39 16/04/2008 On Roo with 6 Processors 100 repetitions, array size: 100,000 with identical arrays MIN_PARTITION_SIZE 10,000 -- Sorting Benchmark Actors: 51ms Threads: 54ms Sequential: 52ms 12:41 16/04/2008 on Tristan-64 with 1 Processor 100 repetitions, array size: 100,000 with identical arrays MIN_PARTITION_SIZE 10,000 -- Sorting Benchmark Actors: 6ms Threads: 21ms Sequential: 3ms 13:15 16/04/2008 On Tristan-64 with 1 Processor 100 repetitions, array size: 10,000 with identical arrays MIN_PARTITION_SIZE 500 --- Sorting Benchmark Actors: 30ms Threads: 37ms Sequential: 7ms 13:20 16/04/2008 On Roo with 6 Processors 100 repetitions, array size: 10,000 with identical arrays MIN_PARTITION_SIZE 500